Sunday, June 20, 2010

Popularity of the Pill

US Women Prefer the Pill!

50 years after it was invented, the oral contraceptive remains the leading method of Birth Control in the United States, just edging out female sterilization. In interviews conducted between 2006 and 2008, 10.7 million American women aged 15-44 claim they preferred to buy birth control pills, while 10.3 million chose to be sterilized.

A 2008 report, released by the National Center for Health Statistics, also suggests that an estimated 62 percent of the 61.9 million women aged 15-44 in the country were using and buying birth control.

The study further found that more than half of childless women who used contraceptives turned to the birth control pill, but just eight percent of those with three or more children used the Pill. Those women with multiple kids were much more likely to have turned to female sterilization.

Women with more education were more likely to buy birth control pills; the less educated leaned more toward female sterilization.

Visit to purchase your favorite Contraceptive products; Allese, Mirecette, Ortho Evra, Ortho Tricyclen, Triphasil and Yasmin.

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