Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Buy Birth Control Online

We are proud to be able to bring you our wide selection of Birth Control Websites;,,,,,, and, all of them are available to you online, 24x7. No Waiting for Doctors, you will enjoy Complete privacy, and you can order anytime, in your Own time, with No prior prescription needed! Now you can enjoy the convenience of ordering from your own home or office at the time that suits you! Order Safely and Securely through our secure transaction server, and pay using a wide range of credit cards.

Our order process could not be simpler, just select the medicines you need, fill in our medical questionnaire, and submit your order. Our U.S Licensed Physicians will review your order and issue your prescription. Next, our U.S. Licensed Pharmacies will dispense, and FedEx your order discreetly using Next day delivery.

You can contact us at any time either by clicking the Live Help button for a live chat session with our customer service staff, or you can call us toll-free on 866-441-3579. We look forward to helping you with all your medical needs, this time, and in the future.

Visit for all your birth control needs.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Buy Birth Control Online

Six new web-sites have been added to the Buy-Birth Control-Online.Net Family of Services.

Visit any of these websites to address all your birth Control needs.

Ortho Evra

Where Can I Buy Ortho-Evra?

Buy-Birth provides you the opportunity to Buy Ortho Evra online safely and securely from US Licensed Doctors and Pharmacies.

What Is Ortho-Evra

Ortho Evra is a contraceptive skin patch. Like most birth control pills, it contains the female hormones, estrogen and progestin. Fertility depends on regular fluctuations in the levels of these hormones. Contraceptives such as Ortho Evra reduce fertility by eliminating the fluctuations. Once applied to the skin, the Ortho Evra patch releases a steady supply of estrogen and progestin through the skin and into the bloodstream. You should use three separate Ortho Evra patches during each 4-week menstrual cycle. Wear one patch a week for the first 3 weeks, then spend the fourth week patch-free. Your menstrual period should start during the fourth week. The generic name is Norelgestromin/Ethinyl Estradiol(nor-el-JES-troe-min/ETH-i-nil ES-tra-DYE-ol)

Go to now to address all your Birth Control Needs.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ortho Tri-Cyclen LO

Where Can I Buy Ortho Tri-Cyclen LO? provides you the opportunity to Buy Ortho Tri-Cyclen LO online safely and securely from US Licensed Doctors and Pharmacies.

What is Ortho Tri-Cyclen LO?

Ortho Tri-Cyclen LO is the Brand Name of an oral Contraceptive containing Estrogens and Progestins used to Prevent Pregnancy. Ortho Tri-Cyclen LO contains a combination of Estrogens and Progestins that work to prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary). Estrogens and Progestins are female hormones. They are produced by the body and are necessary for the normal sexual development of the female and for the regulation of the menstrual cycle during the childbearing years. Ortho Tri-Cyclen LO also causes changes in your cervical mucus and uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and harder for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus. The Generic Names for Ortho Tri-Cyclen LO are ethinyl estradiol and norgestimate (ETH in ill ess tra DYE ol and nor JESS tim ayt). Other Brand Names for this same product are; Mononessa, Ortho Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Previfem, Sprintec, Tri-Previfem, Tri-Sprintec and TriNessa.

Go to Buy Birth Control Online now to address all your Birth Control Needs.


Where Can I Buy Yasmin?

Buy-Birth provides you the opportunity to Buy Yasmin online safely and securely from U.S. Licensed Doctors and Pharmacies.

What is Yasmin?

Yasmin is the Brand Name of an oral Contraceptive containing Estrogens and Progestins used to Prevent Pregnancy. Yasmin contains a combination of Estrogens and Progestins that work to prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary). Estrogens and Progestins are female hormones. They are produced by the body and are necessary for the normal sexual development of the female and for the regulation of the menstrual cycle during the childbearing years. Yasmin also causes changes in your cervical mucus and uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and harder for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus. The Generic Names for Yasmin are drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol (dro SPY re known, and ETH in ill ess tra DYE ol). Other Brand Names for this same product are; Ocella, and Yaz.

Do not take Yasmin if you are allergic to drospirenone or ethinyl estradiol, or if you have:

uncontrolled high blood pressure, migraine headaches, or a heart valve disorder; a history of stroke, blood clot, or circulation problems of diabetes; kidney or liver disease; adrenal gland disorder; unusual vaginal bleeding; any type of breast, uterine, or hormone-dependent cancer; or a history of jaundice caused by birth control pills.

Before using Yasmin, tell your doctor if you have any of the following conditions.

high blood pressure or heart disease; high cholesterol or if you are overweight; liver cancer; gallbladder disease; diabetes; seizures or epilepsy; or a history of depression, irregular menstrual cycles, or history of breast or uterine cancer.

Go to Buy Birth Control Online now to address all your Birth Control Needs.


Where Can I Buy Mircette? provides you the opportunity to Buy Mircette online safely and securely from US Licensed Doctors and Pharmacies.

What is Mircette?

Mircette is the Brand Name of an oral Contraceptive containing Estrogens and Progestins used to Prevent Pregnancy. Mircette contains a combination of Estrogens and Progestins that work to prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary). Estrogens and Progestins are female hormones. They are produced by the body and are necessary for the normal sexual development of the female and for the regulation of the menstrual cycle during the childbearing years. Mircette also causes changes in your cervical mucus and uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and harder for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus. The Generic Names for Mircette are ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel (ETH in ill ess tra DYE ol and des oh JESS trel). Other Brand Names for this same product are; Apri, Cesia, Cyclessa, Desogen, Kariva, Ortho-Cept, Reclipsen, Solia and Velivet

Go to now to address all your Birth Control Needs.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Allergy Relief is a full service Online Pharmacy with United States Licensed Physicians to approve your prescriptions and United States Licensed Pharmacist to fill your orders. All orders are shipped overnight via FedEx.

With Spring still in the Air, and summer pollens around the corner there is still time to order your favorite Allergy Relief medication buy visiting to:

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Pain Relief & Muscle Relaxant is a full service Online Pharmacy with United States Licensed Physicians to approve your prescriptions and United States Licensed Pharmacist to fill your orders. All orders are shipped overnight via FedEx.

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Popularity of the Pill

US Women Prefer the Pill!

50 years after it was invented, the oral contraceptive remains the leading method of Birth Control in the United States, just edging out female sterilization. In interviews conducted between 2006 and 2008, 10.7 million American women aged 15-44 claim they preferred to buy birth control pills, while 10.3 million chose to be sterilized.

A 2008 report, released by the National Center for Health Statistics, also suggests that an estimated 62 percent of the 61.9 million women aged 15-44 in the country were using and buying birth control.

The study further found that more than half of childless women who used contraceptives turned to the birth control pill, but just eight percent of those with three or more children used the Pill. Those women with multiple kids were much more likely to have turned to female sterilization.

Women with more education were more likely to buy birth control pills; the less educated leaned more toward female sterilization.

Visit to purchase your favorite Contraceptive products; Allese, Mirecette, Ortho Evra, Ortho Tricyclen, Triphasil and Yasmin.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Off-Label Birth Control Uses

The “Pill” Offers Benefits Beyond Pregnancy Prevention

According to a new Practice Bulletin recently issued by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists the “Pill” offers additional benefits along with aiding in the prevention of pregnancy. Hormonal contraceptives (Birth Control) also treats menstruation-related disorders such as severe menstrual pain and heavy menstrual bleeding.

The Bulletin noted that combined oral contraceptive Birth Control Pills, such as Alesse, Triphasil, Mircette and Ortho Tricyclen, which contain both estrogen and progesterone offer disease prevention by reducing the risk of developing endometrial, ovarian and colorectal cancer up to 20 years after usage has been terminated. Other potential benefits include prevention of menstrual migraines, treatment of pelvic pain caused by endometriosis and

Studies indicate that more than 80% of women in the US will use some form of hormonal contraceptive Birth Control during their reproductive years. Hormonal Contraceptives take many forms, including pills, patches, implants, injections, vaginal rings, and the intrauterine device (IUD). Pregnancy prevention is the primary reason that most women use hormonal contraception. However, these contraceptives are also frequently prescribed specifically for non-contraceptive reasons, which is considered off-label use.

"We've known for many years that hormonal contraceptives have health advantages beyond preventing pregnancy," says Robert L. Reid, MD, the leading developer of the Bulletin. Dr. Reid noted that the research suggested that "Combined Oral Contraceptives are effective in normalizing irregular periods, reducing symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder, improving acne and allowing women to avoid having their period at inconvenient times, such as during a business trip, vacation or honeymoon," Dr. Reid additionally noted that. "Although there is little data on the newer forms of hormonal contraception in terms of their off-label benefits, experts suggest that they may be as effective as the more studied ones in treating the same conditions."

Visit for all your birth control needs. Our helpful staff is available 24 hours a day for your convenience.

Source:American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, news release, Dec. 21, 2009

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Where Can I buy Triphasil?

Buy-Birth provides you the opportunity to Purchase Triphasil online safely and securely from US Licensed Doctors and Pharmacies.

What is Triphasil?

Triphasil is the Brand Name of an oral Contraceptive containing Estrogens and Progestins used to Prevent Pregnancy. Triphasil contains a combination of Estrogens and Progestins that work to prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary). Estrogens and Progestins are female hormones. They are produced by the body and are necessary for the normal sexual development of the female and for the regulation of the menstrual cycle during the childbearing years. Triphasil also causes changes in your cervical mucus and uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and harder for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus. The Generic Names for Triphasil are ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel (ETH in ill ess tra DYE ol and LEE vo nor JESS trel). Other Brand Names for this same product are; Alesse, Aviane, Enpresse, Lessina, Levlen, Levlite, Levora, Lutera, Lybrel, Nordette, Portia, Sronyx, Tri-Levlen, and Trivora.

Go to Buy Birth Control Online now to address all your Birth Control Needs.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ortho Tri-Cyclen

Where Can I buy Ortho Tri-Cyclen?

Buy-Birth provides you the opportunity to Purchase Ortho Tri-Cyclen online safely and securely from US Licensed Doctors and Pharmacies.

What is Ortho Tri-Cyclen?

Ortho Tri-Cyclen is a Brand Name for an oral Contraceptive used to Prevent Pregnancy. The Genereic Names for Alesse are ethinyl estradiol and norgestimate (ETH in ill ess tra DY ol and nor JESS tim ayt). Ortho Tri-Cyclen contains a combination of female hormones that prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary). Ortho Tri-Cyclen also causes changes in your cervical mucus and uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and harder for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus. Ortho TriCyclen can also be used to help treat severe acne. Other Brand Names for this same product are; Mononessa, Ortho Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, Previfem, Sprintec, Tri-Previfem, Tri-Sprintec, and TriNessa.

Go to Buy Birth Control Online now to address all your Birth Control Needs.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Where Can I buy Alesse?

Buy-Birth provides you the opportunity to Purchase Alesse online safely and securely from US Licensed Doctors and Pharmacies.

What is Alesse?

Alesse is the Brand Name of an oral Contraceptive used to Prevent Pregnancy. The Generic Names for Alesse are ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel (ETH in ill ess tra DYE ol and LEE vo nor JESS trel). Alesse contains a combination of female hormones that prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary). Alesse also causes changes in your cervical mucus and uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and harder for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus. Other Brand Names for this same product are; Aviane, Enpresse, Lessina, Levlen, Levlite, Levora, Lutera, Lybrel, Nordette, Portia, Sronyx, Tri-Levlen, Triphasil, and Trivora.

Go to Buy Birth Control Online now to address all your Birth Control Needs.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Buy Birth Control Online

Buy Birth Control Online offers easy, inexpensive and convenient alternatives to purchasing your Birth Control products.

Buy Birth Control Online
offers some of the most popular and effective oral Birth Control on the market. You can order your favorite Birth Control products from the comfort of your own home at any time of the day or night.

Buy Birth Control Online has United States Licensed Physicians who will review your order and provide your prescription. Your Order will be filled by our United States Licensed Pharmacies and shipped Next Day Air to the destination of your choice by FedEx.

This Month Buy Birth Control Online is featuring Alesse. One of the most popular and effective (99% success Rate) birth control products on the Market. Alesse is a Monophasic oral contraceptive which contains both estrogen and progestogens. Alesse is taken in tablet form over 21 days and is followed by 7 days of a placebo or iron supplement.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Buy Triphasil Online

Product Name Price Order link
Triphasil (generic) 1 month - 28 Tabs$84.00
Triphasil (generic) 3 months - 84 Tabs$122.00
Triphasil 1 month - 28 Tabs$92.00
Triphasil 3 months - 84 Tabs$148.00

Drug Uses
Triphasil is an oral contraceptive used to prevent pregnancy, also to regulate your menstrual cycle. Some brands of birth control pills can be used for treating acne or as a pill for emergency contraception ("morning after"). Please consult your doctor or pharmacist. By using of this medication you or your partner are not protected against sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, gonorrhea etc.

How Taken
This medication is to be taken with food or immediately after a meal (to prevent stomach upset). If it is possible, try to take this medication at the same time each day, this makes easier for you to remember to take it. You should learn the proper use of your particular medication brand. Follow carefully your dosing schedule and always ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions. During the first week of taking this medication you should use a supplemental form of birth control since it takes a while to be effective. If used as a "morning after" pill, please follow the directions from your doctor.

Chances of having heart problems increase if you smoke cigarettes while using this medication. Do not smoke while using this medication. The risk of heart problems is growing with frequent smoking (more than 15 cigarettes per day) and with age (in women greater than 35 years of age).

This drug must not be used during pregnancy. Inform your doctor immediately if you become pregnant or think you may be pregnant. This medication passes into breast milk and may affect milk production (may have harmful effects on a nursing infant). Consult your doctor before breast-feeding. Before taking this medication, you should tell your doctor your entire medical history, including your family medical history, with special focus on: high blood pressure, asthma, stroke, kidney disease, liver heart disease, blood clots, heart attack, history of jaundice (yellowing skin/eyes) or high blood pressure during pregnancy, excessive weight gain or fluid retention during menstrual cycle, seizures, migraine headaches, breast cancer, high blood level of cholesterol or lipids (fats), diabetes, depression. This drug may cause a patchy, darkening of the skin on the face (melasma), depending on strength (higher strengths are more likely to cause melasma). This darkening could be intensified by sunlight, you may need to avoid prolonged sun exposure and sunlamps. Consult your doctor regarding use of sunscreens and protective clothing. After you stop taking birth control pills, it may take a long time for you to become pregnant. Consult your doctor. Do not smoke cigarettes. Birth-control pills slightly increase your risk of strokes, heart attacks, gallbladder disease, blood clots, high blood pressure, vision problems, and liver tumors. The risk of stroke, blood clots, high blood pressure and heart attacks further increases with cigarette smoking (especially 15 or more cigarettes daily) and age (women older than 35/smokers or 40/nonsmokers years of age). Ask your pharmacist or doctor for a copy of the patient labeling which explains these risks in more detail. If you have any questions please consult your doctor, including questions regarding possible use in nonsmokers over 40 years of age. You may develop vision problems if you are near-sighted or wear contact lenses and your tolerance of the lenses may decrease. Contact your eye doctor if these problems occur. Tell the doctor that you take birth control pills before having surgery, including dental surgery.

Tell your doctor about all prescription and nonprescription drugs you are taking. Drugs such as Griseofulvin, many antibiotics (e.g., penicillins, macrolides, tetracyclines, sulfas, cephalosporins), chloramphenicol, many seizure medications (e.g., phenytoin, barbiturates, primidone, carbamazepine), dapsone, rifamycins (e.g., rifampin), modafinil, nevirapine, nelfinavir, ritonavir, St John's wort, troglitazone may decrease the effectiveness of the pill. Ask your doctor if you should use additional birth control methods while taking any of the drugs mentioned above while taking birth control pills. Also tell your doctor if you use: thyroid hormone drugs, certain benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam, chlordiazepoxide), prednisone-like drugs, certain antidepressants (e.g., tricyclics), beta-blockers (e.g., metoprolol), "blood thinners" (anticoagulants such as warfarin), insulin. This product can affect the results of certain lab tests (e.g., thyroid). Inform all laboratory personnel that you use this drug. Birth control pills may significantly intensify the effects of alcohol. Consult your doctor or pharmacist about this. Do not start or stop any medicine without doctor or pharmacist approval.

Over Dose
Contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately if you suspect an overdose. The symptoms of overdose could be nausea and vomiting. Females may experience vaginal bleeding.

Missed Dose
Missed dose advice depends on the brand used, the number of doses missed. Product package information should include advice on missed doses. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions.

Possible Side Effects
This medication may cause headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, stomach upset, bloating, or nausea. Contact your doctor if these effects persist or worsen or if you experience: groin or calf pain, sudden severe headache, severe depression, chest pain, shortness of breath, lumps in the breast, weakness or tingling in the arms or legs, yellowing of the eyes or skin. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

This medication should be stored at room temperature between 59 and 86 degrees F (between 15 and 30 degrees C) away from moisture and sunlight. Do not store in the bathroom.

You should keep all appointments with your doctor and the laboratory. At least once a year you should have a complete physical examination (blood pressure, breast and pelvic examinations, PAP test for vaginal cancer). Do not allow anyone else to take this medication. Follow your doctor's instructions for examining your own breasts, and report any lumps immediately. A manufacturer's fact sheet about this drug should be dispensed with each prescription. Read the information carefully. Ask your doctor or pharmacist any questions you may have.

This drug information is for your information purposes only, it is not intended that this information covers all uses, directions, drug interactions, precautions, or adverse effects of your medication. This is only general information, and should not be relied on for any purpose. It should not be construed as containing specific instructions for any particular patient. We disclaim all responsibility for the accuracy and reliability of this information, and/or any consequences arising from the use of this information, including damage or adverse consequences to persons or property, however such damages or consequences arise. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is made in regards to this information.

Visit for all your female contraceptive needs.


Buy Ortho TriCyclen LO Online

Product Name Price Order link
Ortho TriCyclen Lo 0.18 mg - 1 month$102.46
Ortho TriCyclen Lo 0.18 mg - 3 months$208.99

Drug Uses

Ortho Tri-Cyclen-LO is an estrogen and progestin combination used to prevent pregnancy. It may also be used to regulate the menstrual cycle, treat symptoms of menopause, or treat other conditions as determined by your doctor.

How Taken

THE RIGHT WAY TO TAKE THE PILL IS TO TAKE ONE PILL EVERY DAY AT THE SAME TIME. If you miss pills you could get pregnant. This includes starting the pack late. The more pills you miss, the more likely you are to get pregnant. MANY WOMEN HAVE SPOTTING OR LIGHT BLEEDING, OR MAY FEEL SICK TO THEIR STOMACH DURING THE FIRST 1-3 PACKS OF PILLS. If you feel sick to your stomach, do not stop taking the pill. The problem will usually go away. If it doesn't go away, check with your health care professional. MISSING PILLS CAN ALSO CAUSE SPOTTING OR LIGHT BLEEDING, even when you make up these missed pills. On the days you take 2 pills to make up for missed pills, you could also feel a little sick to your stomach. IF YOU HAVE VOMITING OR DIARRHEA, or IF YOU TAKE SOME MEDICINES, including some antibiotics, your pills may not work as well. Use a back-up method (such as condoms or spermicides) until you check with your health care professional IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE REMEMBERING TO TAKE THE PILL, talk to your health care professional about how to make pill-taking easier or about using another method of birth control. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR ARE UNSURE ABOUT THE INFORMATION IN THIS LEAFLET, call your health care professional.


Smoking cigarettes while using Ortho Tri-Cyclen may increase your risk of stroke, heart attack, blood clots, high blood pressure, or other diseases of the heart and blood vessels. If you have vomiting or diarrhea for any reason, your medicine may not work as well. Taking certain antibiotics or anticonvulsants while you are using Ortho Tri-Cyclen may decrease the effectiveness of Ortho Tri-Cyclen. To prevent pregnancy, use an additional form of birth control until your next period. If you have any questions, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. Before you have any medical or dental treatments, emergency care, or surgery, tell the doctor or dentist that you are using Ortho Tri-Cyclen. If you wear contact lenses and you develop problems with them, contact your doctor. Before you begin taking any new medicine, either prescription or over-the-counter, check with your doctor or pharmacist. Ortho Tri-Cyclen may cause dark skin patches on your face. Exposure to the sun may make these patches darker. If patches develop, use a sunscreen or protective clothing when exposed to the sun, sunlamps, or tanning booths. Use of Ortho Tri-Cyclen will not prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Do not use Ortho Tri-Cyclen if you are pregnant. If you suspect that you could be pregnant, contact your doctor immediately. Ortho Tri-Cyclen is excreted in breast milk. If you are or will be breast-feeding while you are using Ortho Tri-Cyclen, check with your doctor or pharmacist to discuss the risks to your baby.

Missed Dose

If you miss one dose, take the dose as soon as you remember or take two pills at the time of your next regularly scheduled dose. There is little likelihood that ovulation will occur. You may, however, want to use a second method of birth control such as a condom or a spermicidal cream, jelly, or foam for at least 7 consecutive days following the missed tablet to ensure protection from pregnancy. If you miss two tablets in a row, take the two missed tablets as soon as you remember or with your next regularly scheduled dose (three total). Or, you may take two tablets each for the next two regularly scheduled doses (one missed tablet plus one regularly scheduled tablet for 2 days in a row). Chances are much greater that you may ovulate so you must use another form of birth control for at least 7 days following the missed tablets. It is even better to use a second method of birth control until your next period. If you miss three tablets in a row, throw away the package and start a new package on the 7th day after the last day you took a pill. Use another method of birth control until you have taken a pill for 7 days in a row. Your period should occur during the 7 days without pills. If it doesn't, have a pregnancy test before beginning a new package of pills.

Possible Side Effects

Side effects may go away during treatment, include nausea, vomiting, bleeding between menstrual periods, breast tenderness, or weight change. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. Check with your doctor as soon as possible if you experience persistent or recurrent abnormal vaginal bleeding, a missed menstrual period, dizziness or fainting, swelling of fingers or ankles, headache, or difficulty wearing contact lenses. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience sharp or crushing chest pain, sudden shortness of breath, sudden severe headache or leg pain, yellow skin or eyes, changes in vision, numbness of an arm or leg, or severe stomach pain. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.


Store at room temperature away from light and moisture. Keep this and all medications out of the reach of children.


Serious ill effects have not been reported following acute ingestion of large doses of oral contraceptives by young children. Over dosage may cause nausea and withdrawal bleeding may occur in females.

More Information

Your health care professional will take a medical and family history before prescribing oral contraceptives and will examine you. The physical examination may be delayed to another time if you request it and the health care professional believes that it is a good medical practice to postpone it. You should be reexamined at least once a year. Be sure to inform your health care professional if there is a family history of any of the conditions listed previously in this leaflet. Be sure to keep all appointments with your health care professional, because this is a time to determine if there are early signs of side effects of oral contraceptive use. Do not use the drug for any condition other than the one for which it was prescribed. This drug has been prescribed specifically for you; do not give it to others who may want birth control pills.


This drug information is for your information purposes only, it is not intended that this information covers all uses, directions, drug interactions, precautions, or adverse effects of your medication. This is only general information, and should not be relied on for any purpose. It should not be construed as containing specific instructions for any particular patient. We disclaim all responsibility for the accuracy and reliability of this information, and/or any consequences arising from the use of this information, including damage or adverse consequences to persons or property, however such damages or consequences arise. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is made in regards to this information.

Visit for all your female contraceptive needs.